3rd Edition by the Microcosm Press 2007 Author of the Year!!
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications (3rd Edition) [David Vallado- 2007] (softcover)
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications has become the standard astrodynamics reference for those involved in the business of spaceflight. What sets this book apart is that nearly all of the theoretical mathematics is followed by discussions of practical applications implemented in tested software routines available to readers at no cost. For example, the book includes a compendium of algorithms that allow students and professionals to determine orbits with high precision. Without a doubt, when an astrodynamics problem arises, it will continue to be standard practise for engineers to keep this volume close at hand and "look it up in Vallado"
Chapter 1 Equations of Motion
1.1 History
1.2 Geometry of Conic Sections
1.3 Two-Body Equation
1.4 Three-body and n-body Equations
Chapter 2 Kepler’s Equation and Kepler’s Problem
2.1 Historical Background
2.2 Kepler’s Equation
2.3 Kepler’s Problem
2.4 Satellite State Representations
2.5 Application: Orbital Elements from r and v
2.6 Application: r and v from Orbital Elements
2.7 Application: Groundtracks 128
2.8 Application: Find Time of Flight (FINDTOF)
Chapter 3 Coordinate and Time Systems
3.1 Historical Background
3.2 The Earth
3.3 Coordinate Systems
3.4 Coordinate Transformations
3.5 Time
3.6 Time Conversions
3.7 Transforming Celestial and Terrestrial Coordinates
3.8 Earth Models and Constants
Chapter 4 Observations
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Obtaining Data
4.3 Introduction to Sensor Systems
4.4 Observation Transformations
Chapter 5 Celestial Phenomena
5.1 Solar Phenomena
5.2 Lunar Phenomena
5.3 Celestial Applications
Chapter 6 Orbital Maneuvering
6.1 Historical Background
6.2 Introduction
6.3 Coplanar Maneuvers
6.4 Noncoplanar Transfers
6.5 Combined Maneuvers
6.6 Circular Rendezvous
6.7 Continuous-Thrust Transfers
6.8 Relative Motion
Chapter 7 Initial Orbit Determination
7.1 Historical Background
7.2 Observations of Range, Azimuth, and Elevation
7.3 Angles-only Observations
7.4 Mixed Observations
7.5 Three Position Vectors and Time
7.6 Two Position Vectors and TimeLambert’s Problem
7.7 Application: Targeting Problem
Chapter 8 Special Perturbation Techniques
8.1 Historical Background
8.2 Introduction to Perturbations
8.3 Encke’s Formulation
8.4 Cowell’s Formulation
8.5 Numerical Integration Methods
8.6 Disturbing Forces
8.7 Forming Numerical Solutions
8.8 Practical Considerations
Chapter 9 General Perturbation Techniques
9.1 Historical Background
9.2 Introduction
9.3 Variation of Parameters
9.4 Hamilton’s Formulation
9.5 Disturbing-Potential Formulations
9.6 Linearized Perturbations and Effects
9.7 Forming Analytical Solutions
9.8 Semianalytical Solutions
9.9 Practical Considerations
9.10 Summary of Perturbation Effects
Chapter 10 Orbit Determination and Estimation
10.1 Historical Background
10.2 Linear Least Squares
10.3 Nonlinear Least Squares
10.4 Application: Orbit Determination With Differential Correction
10.5 Sequential-Batch Least Squares
10.6 Kalman Filtering
10.7 Forming Differential Correction Solutions
10.8 Practical Considerations
10.9 Applications
Chapter 11 Mission Analysis
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Mission Orbits
11.3 Geometries for Surveillance and Reconnaissance